When we watch our favorite YouTubers on the internet, we develop a bond and a sort of connection with them. When they decide to leave the platform, it can feel like we’re losing a friend. Sometimes our favorite YouTubers disappear without saying a word and it really leaves us wondering where they could have gone on! In today’s article, I’ll be covering just a few youtubers who have gone missing like: Cayleigh Elise, Kenny Veach, and Marina Joyce.
Top 10 youtubers that went missing
[adinserter block=”4″]10 – RedKeyMon

RedKeyMon is a gaming YouTuber that makes Stunts, Fails, and Short Films, all from from Grand Theft Auto 5. His final video “AWESOME GTA 5 STUNTS & FAILS #2 (Funny Moments Compilation)” was published on May 20 2015.
In 2017, he left his fans a comment stating that he’s still alive and he apologized for suddenly leaving YouTube without any prior notice. He admitted that he didn’t intend to quit, he wanted to take a break, but he lost motivation to make any more videos.
RedKeyMon concluded his comment by thanking his fans for their support, love, and comments. This young YouTuber confirmed that he doesn’t really know if he’s going to come back or not.
The reason I included this youtuber on this list is because I find it crazy that he had over 1 million subscribers and was averaging over 10 million views of video still he quit.
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Also was known by the name Alana G. She was a pretty popular YouTuber with over 50 000 subscribers. She mostly covered content that was either paranormal spooky in some way or real events.
On September 3rd her channel was just suddenly deleted as well as all of her social media accounts. This quickly became a huge topic of conversation among other YouTubers who were in the same genre.
[adinserter block=”6″]One person began to point out that just prior to her disappearance from the internet, she had posted a series of tweets explaining that she had a pretty serious stalker incident. She was having to change how her social media accounts were being managed. Although many cyber sleuths have looked into where she could have gone, no one is exactly certain of what happened to her.
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8 – Shima Luan

Shima Luan was an American YouTuber who worked for the channel Super Planet Dolan. It is an animated channel, and Shima was one of the most active characters on the channel. She was well-liked by those who watched.
In a video called: the future of planet Dolan, they explained that Shima had suddenly fallen out of contact with the other people on the channel. The last time they spoke she was safe so they didn’t suspect anything bad.
A lot of viewers didn’t believe this and began to speculate that this was the crew trying to cover up her disappearance. In February of the last year year, a YouTuber called Scarce Theater made a video taking a look into Shima’s disappearance. One of the members of the Dolan crew left a comment that may have cleared some things up for us.
[adinserter block=”4″]The comment read: it’s sort of an unsolvable mystery to those who don’t know her, because to solve it in a satisfying way publicly, people’s personal lives would be invaded. No one who walks away from a job in entertainment wants to be dragged out in the public, and shown around that would be gruesome in respect to the privacy of others.
Everyone else fell into conspiracy theories, of horror, of trappings and teasing ideas. The truth is we always had trouble getting people to separate the cartoons from the actors. This definitely leads us to believe that Shima had her reasons for leaving the channel.
It’s easy to forget that some of our favorite content creators are also real people; they deserve to have their lives kept private if they choose so.
7 – MacAdventures

These YouTubers went by the name MacAdventures. They were a father and son channel with the destination of area 51. Last year they had posted a video of them finally arriving at the area 51 border.
A couple of agents in full camo gear pull up to them in a truck, got out with guns in their hands. They asked them to leave the premises. After the video was posted they went totally silent.
A lot of people believed that maybe they had just gone back to area 51 and tried to get further into the closed-off area than last time and ended up getting arrested or maybe even worse.

KEVJUMBA whose real name is Kevin Wu. Kevin was one of the first YouTube stars joining the platform all the way back in 2006. By 2008, he was the third most subscribed to channel.
Kevin used his YouTube success to go on a season of the amazing race. And he even landed a role in a Hollywood film: Revenge of the green dragons.
Kevin slowly began to post videos less frequently and eventually made his channel entirely private. He moved his focus more to the other aspects of his career.
Things took a turn. though in 2015, when he kind of just entirely disappeared for a while, people began to get really worried about Kevin. Gossips began to swirl about what could have happened and where he could have gone.
[adinserter block=”6″]Luckily, we eventually heard from Kevin again, but in an unfortunate turn of events. He explained that the reason for his disappearance is because he had been hit by a car and he suffered some pretty serious injuries.
The accident left him with a broken spine and a collapsed lung as well as a number of psychological injuries. He has since been focusing on his recovery and credits his dad for really helping nurse him back to health.
While it is obviously extremely traumatic and upsetting, that he had to go through this near-death experience, we’re just glad that he was able to make it through and recover.
5 – Spy Kitten TV

Spy Kitten TV, also known as Dasha Dasha. She made a lot of videos about the Illuminati and people that she suspected were members. Her last video was posted in July of 2018. And while all of her social media profiles remain up and active, no one has heard from her or seen a post.
Since it is possible that she just decided to leave the internet life behind, it is kind of curious that she didn’t leave any sort of farewell. People have speculated that she was exposing too many secrets and ended up being kidnapped or silenced by the Illuminati. Others believe that she met some sort of ill fate in another way.
[adinserter block=”4″]I’m sure those in her personal life know what happened to her. I wish someone could give us some sort of update. I hope she is out there somewhere and maybe someday we’ll know what happened and where she went.
4 – Marina Joyce

Marina was a popular makeup and fashion Youtuber and had a large 2.1 million following. People began noticing that something just wasn’t right about her behavior. She was more distracted in her new videos feeling like.
This led them to believe that she could be scared or in some kind of danger. Eventually, people noticed a gun in the background of one of her videos and bruises on her arms. People said she wasn’t blinking as much and even swore that they heard her whisper help me.
[adinserter block=”5″]In 2019, Marina ended up going missing for 10 days. While she was missing, her boyfriend was tweeting that she was safe. Even though the police had an active investigation into her whereabouts, the boyfriend tried to shut down any claims that he was acting suspiciously.
After it was confirmed that Marina had been found. She tweeted that she never actually went missing. She claimed that her suspicious boyfriend had been taking care of her. There are a lot of speculations about what happened and why she disappeared at that time.
She claimed that she is not in any sort of toxic relationship. She just wants her fans to watch her videos and stop worrying. Hopefully, she really is okay and fans were just reading into things that weren’t actually anything. But, between me and you, it’s a super bizarre situation!
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3 – Cayleigh Elise

Cayleigh Elise was a true crime Youtuber who covered things like missing people and unsolved crimes. In 2019, we did get a heads up from Cayleigh. She would be leaving the platform due to some health concerns she was facing.
In a live stream goodbye, she assured fans that she would keep her videos up for everyone to continue enjoying. This is all fine and well, but people got very concerned. A few months later in December of 2019, her entire channel was deleted.
It caused a lot of fans to worry about what happened to her. We don’t know if her health concerns worsened after she left the channel. Unfortunately, there hasn’t been an update this year on what happened or what led to the deletion of her channel.
[adinserter block=”4″]2 – Nicholas Sonderegger

Nick was a fairly small but growing Youtuber with 2 0000 subscribers. He was featured on the YouTube channel Explore With Us. Nick was 28 at the time of his disappearance. He was last seen on September 7th, 2018, he had heard a female screaming outside of his home in sultan beach California and went to investigate.
After he failed to return home that night, he was reported missing. The next morning, some of his clothing that he had left in was found by the search parties. But it is still unknown what happened to him or where he could be.
[adinserter block=”6″]It’s really upsetting that he obviously went to help someone who seemed to be in despair. And it led him to trouble. This certainly shows his courage and bravery. There is a ten thousand dollar reward for any information that leads to his whereabouts. So please share this article with your friends, someone might have some information. I hope that one day his family gets answers and closure.
1 – Kenny Veach

His real name is Kenneth Lee Veach. He was an American YouTuber who posted videos of his hiking trips. He only ended up uploading five videos in total. But interacted a lot with other hiking channels which helped him quickly gain popularity.
Kenny was very proud of the toll his amazing and difficult hikes took on his body. He even said it usually takes him three days to recover from his hikes. Sometimes his toenails would even turn black and fall off.
Near the end of last year, Kenny posted a comment on a video that explained that he normally enters every single cave he finds. He found one that was shaped like an ‘M’ and began to enter it, his whole body began to vibrate. The closer he got, the feeling became more intense. The feeling really freaked him out so he ended up getting out of there as quickly as possible.
[adinserter block=”5″]After this comment, tons of other users encouraged him to try and find the cave again. They urged him to fight the eerie feeling and go inside to make a video of it. Kenny did exactly this and made a video that ended up being his most viewed video titled MK hike.
Unfortunately, he was unable to find the same cave again. Viewers were upset and they quickly started pushing for him to look again. But there were a few comments begging Kenny to leave it alone. They suggested not going back fearing that he would be putting himself in a dangerous situation.
On November 10th, Kenny set out once again to try and find the cave. He explained to his family that he would just be going on a short overnight trip.
Unfortunately, Kenny never returned home and the search began. His cell phone was discovered at the opening of an abandoned mine shaft. Many viewers thought they recognized from his MK hike video.
Since then the trail has gone cold and Kenny still has yet to be located. While it is extremely unlikely, I really hope that he is still out there somewhere. Hopefully, one day we get the answers we’re looking for and his family will get their much-needed closure.

The last youtuber we’re gonna take a look at is a lot like Kenny Veach, nobody really knows what happened. It was one of the first popular channels on YouTube and was ranked sixth most popular channel at one point.
This youtuber would upload weird videos and skits back in the day. The last time he uploaded a video was seven years ago. The last time he tweeted anything was seven years ago, and the last time his second channel uploaded was eight years ago. Nobody really has a clue as to what happened.
I’m sure only his close family members would have insight into this. The only thing we have for any evidence is our theories:
-Theory 1: He just got bored and he grew up. There’s no real evidence that anything bad happened to him. So we’re just gonna have to believe that he left on his own. When you watch his first ever video as they seemed a lot more fun and heartfelt compared to the ones he recently uploaded. Maybe this was because he was losing interest in making YouTube videos.
Theory 2: He actually disappeared in real life. In which case, only his family members truly know what happened to him but after we looked all over the internet and we tried to do some research on him, we couldn’t really find anything. We also didn’t find any obituaries, so we’re pretty sure he didn’t die.
[adinserter block=”4″]Alright guys, that has been our list of top 10 youtubers that went missing . Let me know in the comments if you watched any of these Youtubers before their disappearance? And Please, Please, Please share this article with your friends.
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